Your video, The Darkness "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" Music Video < com/watch? v=QLXSC_gD2k4> , may have content that is owned or licensed by WMG.
No action is required on your part.
- The YouTube Team
No action is required on your part.
- The YouTube Team
I guess he should be lucky that they aren't seeking any money for the copyright infringement. I guess my students will have to look elsewhere for it in the future (I think it is still up on!
Infringement or not, the video is still a Rother classic! Definately worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet.
Talk about timing. Thanks for becoming a real, live illustration of copyright conflicts! You're such a good sport :)
OK, that's just a scary video!! :-) Just how do they find these infringements--is it soeone's job to watch millions of YouTube videos and id the songs? Some algorithm that searches a million or so WMG titles? How?
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